Cv Güncelleme Tarihi : 28.08.2024
Enes K.
(23 yaşında)
Atılım Üniversitesi
Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümü
Gölbaşı -
Yabancı dili : İngilizce (8/10)
As a third-year student at Atılım University, I have excelled with high honors for four semesters. I gained valuable
experience in the United States by participating in the Work and Travel program. Then, I enrolled in the Erasmus+
program to study in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Poznan University of Technology in Poland for the Fall
2023-2024 semester. Proficient in Unity, C++, SQL, and C#, my passion lies in software development backed by a strong
foundation in physics and mathematics. With my problem-solving skills and effective classroom design, I am eager to
contribute to innovative projects and make a meaningful impact in the technology space. I was selected for the
Department of Defense's “Savunma Sanayii 101” training program and am currently in training.