Cv Güncelleme Tarihi : 24.07.2024
Ubeyd Buğra A.
(26 yaşında)
Trakya Üniversitesi
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü
Çiğli -
Yabancı dili : İngilizce (9/10)
Hello, I am Ubeyd Buğra Atılgan. I have a particular
interest in game development, and i'm very open to
learning new things. Sometimes more than even
needed. I have beginner-level knowledge of Java and
Python, and intermediate-level knowledge of C#. For
three years, I have been a member of Trakya
University's Rugby Team and have participated in
matches. That's why i am aware of team dynamics and
knowing the necessary things to accomplish what is